Delightful Green Chutney

Posted by Post Admin on March 18, 2023 / Photo Credit:

Green Chutney

Green chutney has a distinctive flavour that makes it a popular condiment in Pahari cooking and other regional cuisines of India. To make this sauce, cooks often combine a number of different herbs, spices, and other ingredients. Green chilies are ground fresh and added to the mixture for a spicy bite. But the level of heat can be adjusted to suit your taste. Green chutney, made in the Pahari style, is a delicious and versatile accompaniment that can add a burst of flavour to a variety of dishes and is appropriate for any occasion, from an intimate dinner party to a large celebration. Its fresh and tangy flavours, together with its brilliant green colour, have made it a staple in Pahari cuisine and beyond. This chutney is loaded with herbs, spices, and other ingredients including ginger, garlic, cilantro, mint, and lime juice, and it is commonly eaten as a dip or alongside foods like samosas, pakoras, sandwiches, kebabs, and other snacks. This classic Pahari meal, with its exquisite flavour and perfume, will be the talk of the party.

  • Origin: Uttarakhand, India
  • Category: Green Chutney is a Pahari Vegetarian Condiment which is considered Condiment
  • Ingredient: Coriander Leaves, Mint Leaves, Green Chilies, Lemon Juice are treated as main ingredients for this recipe. Other ingredients used are Spices
  • Time and Flavour: This recipe takes approx 20-30 mins and the flavour is Spicy and Tangy
  • Nutritional Information: Green Chutney contains 50 kcal calories per 100 g serving. This serving contains 2 g of fat, 1 g of protein and 8 g of carbohydrate. The latter is 2 g sugar and 3 g of dietary fiber, the rest is other nutritional component. [ These values may vary based on ingredients used and its quantity ]
Delightful Green Chutney

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Details Of Green Chutney

'Green Chutney’ is a vibrant and zesty condiment commonly found in Pahari cuisine, originating from the hilly regions of India, such as Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. This chutney is a versatile accompaniment that adds a burst of fresh flavor to a variety of dishes. To prepare Green Chutney, a combination of fresh herbs such as coriander and mint leaves is blended with other ingredients like green chilies, garlic, lemon juice, and sometimes yogurt. The mixture is blended into a smooth paste, resulting in a bright green chutney with a balance of tanginess, spiciness, and herbaceous freshness.

Green Chutney is often used as a dipping sauce for snacks like pakoras (fritters), samosas, and kebabs. It can also be spread on sandwiches or used as a marinade for grilling meats. In Pahari cuisine, this chutney plays a significant role in enhancing the flavors of various dishes and providing a refreshing contrast to rich and hearty foods. The use of locally available herbs and ingredients reflects the resourcefulness of Pahari cooking. Green Chutney not only elevates the taste of a meal but also embodies the vibrancy and diversity of flavors that characterize the region’s culinary traditions.

Ingredients Used In Green Chutney

  • Coriander Leaves [ धनिया पत्ता ], 1 Cup
    → Washed And Roughly Chopped.
  • Mint Leaves [ पुदीना पत्ता ], 1/2 Cup
  • Green Chili [ हरी मिर्च ], 1-2 Pieces
  • Onion [ प्याज़ ], 1 Piece
    → Small, Roughly Chopped.
  • Ginger [ अदरक ], 1 Piece
    → Peeled And Chopped.
  • Garlic Cloves [ लहसुन की पुठ्ठी ], 2 Pieces
    → Minced.
  • Lemon Juice [ नींबू का रस ], 10 Milliliter
    → From 1 Lemon.
  • Salt [ नमक ], As desired
  • Water [ पानी ], As desired


Method for preparing Green Chutney

  • In a blender or food processor, add the fresh coriander leaves, mint leaves, green chilies, onion, ginger and garlic. Pulse blend the ingredients until they form a coarse paste. If needed, to help facilitate blending you can add a few drops of water at a time.
  • Once the herbs and vegetables have been blended together into a paste-like consistency, add freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice and salt to taste. Blend again until everything has been well combined and you have achieved a smooth texture.
  • If the chutney is too thick for your liking you can add another tablespoon of water to help thin it out and blend again until you achieve the desired consistency.
  • Taste the chutney and adjust the seasoning to your liking, adding more salt, pepper, or spices if desired.
  • Once you are satisfied with the flavor, transfer the chutney to a clean serving bowl or airtight container and store in the refrigerator until you are ready to serve it.

Health Benefits Of Green Chutney

  • Coriander leaves (also known as cilantro) contain a wealth of beneficial nutrients, including antioxidants, dietary fiber, and various vitamins and minerals. These leafy greens are known to aid digestion, promote detoxification processes within the body, and help support healthy heart functioning. Furthermore, coriander leaves can be used to add flavor to a wide array of dishes.
  • Mint leaves have a refreshing cooling effect on the body and are often used to help relieve indigestion and acidity. In addition to providing a pleasant flavor in culinary applications, mint leaves are also an excellent source of vitamins and minerals that can help support overall health.
  • Green chilies contain capsaicin – a compound with numerous health benefits such as boosting metabolism, providing pain relief, and having anti-inflammatory properties. Furthermore, green chilies provide a spicy kick to any dish they’re added to – making them a great way to spice up your meals in both taste and health!
  • Onions and garlic are known for their ability to fight germs and support a healthy immune system.
  • Lemon or lime juice is full of vitamin C and can help with digestion, as well as adding flavor to the chutney.
  • The chutney is also low in calories and fat, making it a great way to add flavor without too many extra calories.

Although these components may offer some health benefits, it's crucial to keep in mind that everyone's experience may vary, and they must be consumed in moderation as a part of a balanced diet. If you have any specific health issues or concerns, it's recommended to speak with a healthcare provider.

To Conclude

Green Chutney, a traditional Pahari cuisine, is a lively representation of the region's gastronomic vitality and natural bounty. The flavours of the mountains and the skill of transforming simple elements into a burst of flavour and colour are captured in this chutney, which is made from a balanced blend of fresh herbs, spices, and local products. Green chutney is a sign of the Pahari people's intrinsic affinity with the land and its bounty, and it also happens to be delicious. Making this chutney is a testament to their skill in bringing out the best in the colours and flavours provided by nature. Green Chutney, with its lively flavour and fragrant flavour, captures the spirit of the area it hails from. There's a bit of history, a taste of the mountains, and a toast to originality in every glob. 'Green Chutney' is a celebration of the Pahari people's harmonious relationship with their environment and their love of bold flavours that stimulate the senses, and it serves as a reminder that culinary art may be a fusion of creativity and heritage.

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