Sensational Alle Belle

Posted by Post Admin on November 6, 2013 / Photo Credit:

Alle Belle

A delicious gem of Goan cooking, Alle Belle is a harmonious fusion of ingredients, techniques, and traditions. This popular delicacy, whose name literally translates to stuffed pancakes in Portuguese, exemplifies the inventiveness and Portuguese history of seaside cuisine. Thin pancakes are the foundation of Alle Belle, and they are loaded with a delicious combination of coconut, jaggery, and occasionally a trace of cardamom. Allusions to Goa's ubiquitous coconut palms and sugarcane fields inform the recipe's base components.

Goa's unique synthesis of cultural influences is reflected in the synthesis of techniques used to prepare Alle Belle. The crepe-like pancakes tenderly enfold the coconut-jaggery filling, a tribute to the Portuguese crepe influence. The finished dish is then briefly cooked to generate a golden color that hints at decadence. Alle Belle, a traditional Goan dessert, represents the joy and camaraderie shared by friends and family at special events. The sweetness of jaggery and the aroma of coconut work in perfect harmony to create a symphony of tastes in every mouthful. Alle Belle is a culinary relic that connects generations and serves as a symbol of the region's history and culture. Goan food is very appealing because of the harmonious combination of ingredients, and its subtle attractiveness entices both residents and tourists to engage in this beautiful heritage.

  • Origin: Goa, India
  • Category: Alle Belle is a Goan Vegetarian Dessert which is considered Dessert
  • Ingredient: Coconut, Jaggery, Flour, Cardamom are treated as main ingredients for this recipe. Other ingredients used are Jaggery, Cardamom, Poppy Seeds, Ghee
  • Time and Flavour: This recipe takes approx 40-50 minutes and the flavour is Sweet and Coconutty
  • Nutritional Information: Alle Belle contains 287 kcal calories per 100 g serving. This serving contains 11 g of fat, 12 g of protein and 39 g of carbohydrate. The latter is 15 g sugar and 2 g of dietary fiber, the rest is other nutritional component. [ These values may vary based on ingredients used and its quantity ]
Sensational Alle Belle

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Details Of Alle Belle

'Alle Belle' is a delightful Goan dessert that marries the goodness of crepes with a luscious coconut and jaggery filling. Its name translates to stuffed pancakes, perfectly describing its essence. This dessert is often enjoyed during special occasions and celebrations, embodying the festive spirit of Goa.

To create 'Alle Belle,' a batter is made from rice flour, all-purpose flour, and coconut milk. Thin crepes are cooked from this batter, creating a soft and delicate base for the filling. The filling consists of a mixture of freshly grated coconut, jaggery (unrefined cane sugar), and sometimes cardamom for a fragrant touch.

Spoonfuls of the filling are placed onto each crepe, which is then folded to encase the coconut-jaggery mixture. These filled crepes are either pan-fried or griddled until they turn golden and crisp.

'Alle Belle' offers a harmonious blend of textures and flavors – the tender crepes complement the rich, sweet, and slightly nutty filling. The combination of jaggery and coconut infuses the dessert with a distinctive taste that captures the essence of Goan culinary traditions.

This dessert showcases the creativity and skill of Goan cooks in transforming humble ingredients into a delectable treat. 'Alle Belle' holds a special place in Goan culture, symbolizing the joy and togetherness of celebrations through its delectable and heartwarming flavors.

Ingredients Used In Alle Belle

  • Pancake Batter [ पैंकेक बैटर ], –
    → Prepared As Needed.
  • Coconut [ नारियल ], 1/2 Cup
    → Grated.
  • Jaggery [ गुड ], 1/2 Cup
    → Grated.
  • Cardamom Powder [ इलायची चूर्ण ], 1/2 Teaspoon
  • Clarified Butter [ घी ], As desired
    → To Be Used For Cooking.
  • Water [ पानी ], As desired


Method for preparing Alle Belle

  • Make the batter for the pancakes the same way you would for regular pancakes. It should be able to flow like water.
  • Grate the coconut and sugar and mix them together in a bowl.
  • Warm up a pan or tava (a type of skillet) and lightly grease it with ghee.
  • Pour a spoonful of pancake batter onto the pan and spread it out into a thin circle.
  • Flip the pancake over when the bottom side is done and has turned golden brown.
  • Spread some of the coconut-jaggery mixture on the side of the pancake that is only half done.
  • Add a pinch of cardamom powder to the coconut and sugar.
  • Now, make a half-moon shape by folding the pancake over the center.
  • Cook the folded pancake for a little longer, until both sides are golden brown and the center is hot.
  • To make more Alle Belles, just repeat the steps.
  • Warm the Alle Belles and serve them.

Health Benefits Of Alle Belle

  • Moderation and Celebration – Alle belle is a traditional Goan sweet that is often consumed during festivals and other events.
  • Energy Source – The combination of coconut, jaggery, and rice offers instant energy owing to the carbs and lipids.
  • Nutrition Variety – To provide extra nutrients and antioxidants, garnish Alle Belle with nuts and chopped coconut.
  • Occasional Indulgence – Due to the high calorie level and jaggery content, enjoy alle belle as a treat in moderation.
  • Cultural Tradition – Alle belle pays homage to Goan cultural history and culinary traditions, while also linking to regional cuisines.

Although these components may offer some health benefits, it's crucial to keep in mind that everyone's experience may vary, and they must be consumed in moderation as a part of a balanced diet. If you have any specific health issues or concerns, it's recommended to speak with a healthcare provider.

To Conclude

In essence, Alle Belle encapsulates the sweet charm and cultural fusion that define Goan cuisine. This delightful dessert, with its Portuguese origin and Indian influence, presents a unique blend of flavors and history. The thin, delicate pancakes enveloping a luscious coconut and jaggery filling mirror the region's coastal spirit – a harmonious balance of diverse elements. As one savors each bite, the senses are transported to a time of shared stories and familial gatherings, where Alle Belle was lovingly prepared and exchanged. This dessert not only ignites the palate with its sweetness but also kindles a sense of nostalgia and connection to Goan heritage. Through Alle Belle, we embrace the timelessness of culinary artistry, where traditions meld and create something entirely new, echoing the spirit of Goa itself – a vibrant mosaic of cultures and flavors that continue to delight and inspire.

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