Authentic Sorak

Posted by Post Admin on August 19, 2023 / Photo Credit:


One of the best-kept secrets in Goan cooking, Sorak is an enticingly straightforward meal that captures the spirit of Goan cuisine and its taste profile. Sorak is a delicious example of Goan creativity, with its origins in tradition and resemblance to the seaside paradise from whence it belongs. The essence of Sorak is found in its sparseness; with only a few key components, this meal conveys a wealth of meaning. This acidic and peppery combination, which is the result of combining red chilies, coconut, and kokum (a souring agent), is a wonderful tribute to the seaside abundance that surrounds Goa.

The brilliant red color of Sorak, brought on by the chilies, reflects the vivacious character of the area. The spice is tempered by the coconut's smoothness, keeping your tastebuds interested without being overpowered. Sorak's refreshing tang comes from kokum, which also contributes to the drink's overall balance of tastes. Sorak, which is often eaten with steamed rice, reflects the basic nature of Goan living and lauds the splendor of such meal. This meal provides a window into the humble and genuine Goan culinary tradition, satisfying both body and spirit.

  • Origin: Goa, India
  • Category: Sorak is a Goan Vegetarian Main/Soup which is considered Main Course
  • Ingredient: Coconut Milk, Drumsticks, Spices are treated as main ingredients for this recipe. Other ingredients used are Mustard Seeds, Curry Leaves, Ginger, Green Chilies
  • Time and Flavour: This recipe takes approx 30-40 minutes and the flavour is Mild and Comforting
  • Nutritional Information: Sorak contains 183 kcal calories per 100 g serving. This serving contains 4 g of fat, 22 g of protein and 14 g of carbohydrate. The latter is 10 g sugar and 2 g of dietary fiber, the rest is other nutritional component. [ These values may vary based on ingredients used and its quantity ]
Authentic Sorak

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Details Of Sorak

Sorak, a simple yet delightful Goan dish, exemplifies the region's ability to create incredible flavor with just a few key ingredients. It is a coconut-based curry that offers a blend of tanginess and spiciness, showcasing the essence of Goan cuisine.

The dish is prepared using grated coconut, dried red chilies, and tamarind pulp as its primary components. The spices are roasted and ground into a paste that forms the base of the curry. Sorak typically features a vegetarian twist, utilizing ingredients like pumpkins, bottle gourds, or red lentils.

The ground spice paste is cooked with the chosen vegetable or lentils until they absorb the flavors. The tamarind lends a tangy note while the red chilies provide a mild spiciness. The result is a creamy, orange-hued curry that's both comforting and full of character.

Sorak is often paired with steamed rice or Goan bread like poi, allowing the flavors to meld and create a satisfying meal. Despite its straightforward preparation, Sorak offers a unique taste that captures the essence of Goan simplicity and culinary tradition. It's a testament to how a few well-chosen ingredients can come together to create a memorable dining experience.

Ingredients Used In Sorak

  • Toor Dal [ तूर दाल ], 1/2 Cup
  • Coconut [ नारियल ], 1/2 Cup
    → Grated.
  • Tamarind [ इमली ], 1 Small Piece
    → Soaked In Water.
  • Onion [ प्याज़ ], 1 Medium
    → Finely Chopped.
  • Green Chili [ हरी मिर्च ], 2-3
    → Chopped. Adjust To Spice Level.
  • Garlic [ लहसुन ], 4-5 Cloves
    → Minced.
  • Turmeric Powder [ हल्दी चूर्ण ], 1/4 Teaspoon
  • Red Chili Powder [ लाल मिर्च चूर्ण ], 1/2 Teaspoon
    → Adjust To Taste.
  • Mustard Oil [ सरसों का तेल ], 1 Tablespoon
    → Use Any Oil Of Your Choice.
  • Mustard Seeds [ सरसों के बीज ], 1/2 Teaspoon
  • Curry Leaves [ कढ़ी पत्ता ], A few Grams
  • Salt [ नमक ], As desired
    → Adjust To Taste.
  • Water [ पानी ], As desired
  • Coriander Leaves [ धनिया पत्ता ], A few Grams
    → Freshly Chopped. To Be Used For Garnishing.


Method for preparing Sorak

  • Put the toor dal, chopped onion, minced garlic, chopped green chilies, and turmeric powder into a pressure cooker.
  • Put in enough water to cover the ingredients and cook under pressure until the dal is soft and cooked through. This could take about three or four whistles.
  • Once the pressure is gone, open the pot and use a whisk or a spoon to mash the dal mixture until it is smooth.
  • In a different bowl, squeeze the tamarind to get the pulp out. Strain the pulp from the tamarind and add it to the cooked dal.
  • Heat oil in a pan over medium heat.
  • Put in the mustard seeds and let them pop.
  • Curry leaves should be added and cooked for a few seconds.
  • Add the chopped coconut to the pan and cook it until it gets a little brown and starts to smell good.
  • Mix well after adding the coconut that has been cooked.
  • Add salt and hot chili powder. Change the spices as needed.
  • If the sorak is too thick, you can add more water to get the consistency you want.
  • Let the sorak cook on low heat for a few minutes to let the flavors mix.
  • Add fresh coriander leaves that have been chopped.
  • Your tasty Goan Sorak is all set to be served.
  • Serve hot with either bread or rice.

Health Benefits Of Sorak

  • Coconut Benefits – Sorak contains medium-chain fatty acids, which may help with energy and metabolism.
  • Vitamin C – Tamarind and kokum contain vitamin C, which aids in immunological function and collagen formation.
  • Digestive Health – Using kokum or tamarind helps with digestion and gut health.
  • Moderation – Due to its high calorie content and coconut basis, sorak should be consumed in moderation.
  • Culinary Tradition – Sorak is a classic Goan meal that combines cultural history with culinary skills.

Although these components may offer some health benefits, it's crucial to keep in mind that everyone's experience may vary, and they must be consumed in moderation as a part of a balanced diet. If you have any specific health issues or concerns, it's recommended to speak with a healthcare provider.

To Conclude

To encapsulate, Sorak stands as a hidden gem within Goa's vibrant culinary tapestry, offering a taste of simplicity that resonates with authenticity and nostalgia. This unassuming yet flavorful dish mirrors the coastal state's connection to its roots and the resourcefulness of its people. A harmonious blend of tangy kokum and coconut, Sorak brings a refreshing twist to the palate, a testament to the ingenuity of Goan cooking. Through its unpretentious composition and use of locally available ingredients, Sorak symbolizes the community's ability to craft culinary wonders from the simplest elements. It's a reminder that flavor need not be extravagant to be deeply satisfying. Each spoonful of Sorak not only tantalizes the taste buds but also pays homage to the essence of Goan culture – a mixture of tradition, simplicity, and an unbreakable bond with nature's offerings.

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