Punjabi Food

Delicious Punjabi Food

Punjabi food refers to the regional food of the Punjab province in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent. The Punjab region is split between the Pakistani province of Punjab, the Indian states of Punjab, Haryana, and portions of Himachal Pradesh. Due to its mouthwatering flavors and liberal use of spices, Punjabi food has become well known throughout the world. Punjabi food delivers a gastronomic experience that is both gratifying and soulful, from the flavorful tandoori dishes to the decadent curries and lovely sweets. Wheat is a staple crop in the area, therefore it has an impact on the meals.

By |2024-03-04T17:23:39+05:30November 30, 2015|Category Food, Food, Punjabi Food, Tradition|0 Comments
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